Bodrum is a tourist resort in Turkey. It is located in western Turkey along the Aegean Sea.It is a Turkish port in Muğla province. It is located on the peninsula of Bodrum, Bodrum today is 270 kilometers south of Izmir, in times of Herodotus called Halikarnassos. The city has about 33,000 inhabitants, most of whom live off fishing, shipbuilding, the manufacture of carpets and tourism. Thousands of tourists come every year for sun and beach tourism. Famous singer Zeki Müren died in Bodrum. Heredotus-Ancient Greek Historian lived in Bodrum. Turgut Reis is a Bodrumer who is an Ottoman admiral.

An impressive medieval castle built by the Knights of Rhodes guards the entrance to Bodrum’s dazzling blue bay, in which the Aegean and the Mediterranean Seas meet.In the center of the city is the Tomb of King Mausolus, one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

The town’s charm is well-known, attracting a diverse population of vacationers who stroll along its long palm-lined waterfront, while elegant yachts crowd the marina.

Not far from town, you can swim in absolutely clear, tideless, warm seas. Underwater divers, especially, will want to explore the numerous reefs, caves and majestic rock formations. The waters offer up multicolored sponges of all shapes and sizes, octopi and an immense variety of other aquatic life.

The reputation of Bodrum’s boatyards dates back to ancient times, and today, craftsmen still build the traditional yachts: the Tirhandil with a pointed bow and stern, and the Gullets with a broad beam and rounded stern. The latter, especially, are used on excursions and pleasure trips, and in the annual October Cup Race.

Bodrum a town of white houses hung with flowers rising tier on tier against a green hill overlooking a dazzling blue bay quarded by the great medieval castle built by the Knights of Rhodes. Bodrum has an incredibly rich past. Its position in or near so many of the great civilisations and events of ancient history also makes Halikarnassos – Ancient name of Bodrum – an important centre. Bodrum is one of the most beautiful cosmopolitan and sophisticated holiday resort in Turkey. At any time of the day and night, there is always something going on here.

See the north coast of the peninsula – Torba, Türkbükü, Gölköy and Gündogan – by road or, even better, hire a boat and crew to explore the quiet coves, citrus groves and wooded islands. Little windmills which still provide the energy to grind grain crown hills covered with olive trees. Torba, a modern village with holiday villas and a nice marina is located 8 km north of Bodrum. Gölköy and Türkbükü are small and simple fishing villages with a handful of taverns overlooking a lovely bay. After a boat trip to Karaada, half an hour from Bodrum, you can bathe in the grotto where the warm mineral waters flowing out of the rocks are believed to beautify the complexion.

Bodrum Cabin Charter

Bodrum Yacht Charter

2,000 Luxury Yacht
1,300 Luxury Yacht
2,500 Luxury Yacht
4,000 Trawler Yacht